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7 Best Common Calorie Burning Exercises For Boxer Dogs And Owners

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7 Best Common Calorie Burning Exercises for Boxer Dogs

Boxer Dog exercise is key to helping your boxer maintain a healthy weight, release pent-up energy, and to keep them mentally stimulated.

Exercise is not only good for the boxer but the owner as well, by improving the connection with their loyal companion.

7 Best Common Calorie Burning Exercises for Boxer Dogs and their Owners that help Maintain a happy, Healthy Boxer Dog are

  • Daily Walk – 3.0 mph/4.83 kph (includes sniffing and observation)
  • Moderate walk – 3.5 mph/5.63 kph 
  • Power Walk – 4.25 mph/6.84 kph
  • Running – 6.0 mph/9.66 kph
  • Fetch/Frisbee Toss
  • Backyard Agility
  • Stair Exercises

Table 1 below illustrates the 7 common boxer dog exercises, the number of calories burned/hour for boxer dogs (both male and female), and their owners (both male and female).

To calculate these figures, we used the published Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) value for each type of exercise.

We also made the following assumptions based on published information:

  • The average weight of a male Boxer dog is 73 lbs
  • The average weight of a female Boxer dog is 58 lbs
  • The average weight of a human male is 198 lbs (for US men – 20 years and older)
  • The average weight  of a human female is 170 lbs (for US women 20 yrs and older)
Table 1

Boxer Dog Exercise

MET Value

Boxer Male

Boxer Female

Human Male

Human Female

Daily Walk


87 cal/hr

69 cal/hr

235 cal/hr

202 cal/hr

Moderate Walk


156 cal/hr

124 cal/hr

424 cal/hr

364 cal/hr

Power Walk


226 cal/hr

180 cal/hr

613 cal/hr

526 cal/hr



341 cal/hr

271 cal/hr

924 cal/hr

793 cal/hr



174 cal/hr

138 cal/hr

472 cal/hr

405 cal/hr

Backyard Agility


278 cal/hr

221 cal/hr

754 cal/hr

647 cal/hr

Stair Exercises


306 cal/hr

243 cal/hr

830 cal/hr

712 cal/hr

Reference for human weight data:

Reference for Boxer dog weight data

Boxer Dog Exercise Key Findings

  • As expected, the exercises requiring the most aerobic activity burned the most calories.
  • The exercises that involve the biggest muscle groups burn the most calories.
  • Moderate exercise provides calorie-burning and health benefits to the boxer dog and owner.
  • Moderate exercise if done twice per day will help boxers and their owners maintain a healthy weight and give them both significant bonding time.

If you are looking for people in your area to help walk your Boxer dog, visit Rover.com using the walking link below

WalkingtgOosE&bids=945136 Boxer Dog Exercise

Boxer Dog Exercise – Considerations for Choosing Exercises

boxer dog exercise - photo of boxer dog playing with a tennis balll
Boxer dog playing fetch

Boxers are a high-energy breed that needs an outlet to release their built-up energy and provide mental stimulation to prevent boredom which can lead to destructive behaviors.

So, why is it important to exercise your Boxer?

We recommend the following two courses from Holly and Hugo to help train your Boxer to exercise the Dog Walking Basics Course and Dog Commands for Beginners

7 Best Common Calorie Burning Boxer Dog Exercises

In today’s busy world we often don’t have the time to exercise our Boxer dog in one-hour time blocks.

So, just as with ourselves, breaking the exercise down into smaller segments of time can still help burn calories and provide health benefits to both the Boxer and the owner.

Let’s break down each of the 7 best common calorie-burning boxer dog exercises into smaller time increments and determine their calorie-burning results.

Daily Walk

Recall from above, that the daily walk is done at a slow to moderate pace of 2.5 mph and allows time for the boxer to sniff and observe their surroundings.

Now instead of one continuous hour of exercise let’s look at calorie burn for shorter time durations.

Daily Walk

15 min

30 min

45 Min

Boxer Dog Male

22 cal

43 cal

65 cal

Boxer Dog Female

17 cal

35 cal

52 cal

Human Male

59 cal

118 cal

177 cal

Human Female

51 cal

101 cal

152 cal

Moderate Walk

Moderate Walks are a great option for people just beginning an exercise program for themselves or themselves and their Boxer dog.

They provide some aerobic activity and can be done by almost any age group.

Moderate Walk

15 min

30 min

45 min

Boxer Dog Male

39 cal

78 cal

117 cal

Boxer Dog Female

31 cal

62 cal

93 cal

Human Male

106 cal

212 cal

318 cal

Human Female

91 cal

182 cal

273 cal

We recommend the Joyride Harness Bundle for walking your Boxer, The bundle includes the Joyride 2.0 Harness, leash, and poop bag holder.

Power Walking

Power Walking is a great option for burning calories in a short time period.  It helps the Boxer dog and owner maintain a healthy weight without undue stress on the joints.

Power walking is becoming more popular and is even included as an Olympic sport.

Power Walking

15 min

30 min

45 min

Boxer Dog Male

56 cal

113 cal

169 cal

Boxer Dog Female

45 cal

90 cal

135 cal

Human Male

153 cal

306 cal

459 cal

Human Female

131 cal

263 cal

394 cal


Running can be a great option for calorie burning.  However, Boxer dogs being a Brachycephalic breed do better with short bursts of speed.

Boxer dogs can run but it will require time to get them to the point of sustained running.  Caution should be used when running with a Boxer dog in very hot or cold outside temperatures.


15 min

30 min

45 min

Boxer Dog Male

85 cal

170 cal

255 cal

Boxer Dog Female

68 cal

135 cal

203 cal

Human Male

231 cal

462 cal

693 cal

Human Female

198 cal

396 cal

594 cal

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Fetch/Frisbee Toss

Boxer Dog Exercise
Dogs playing Frisbee

Fetch and Frisbee Toss are great exercises for mental stimulation and calorie burn.  They are also great for exercises for the Boxer Dog owner who has limited time.

Boxer Dogs and owners (depending on how much they want to participate) can provide a good calorie burn in short intervals.

Fetch/Frisbee Toss

15 min

30 min

45 min

Boxer Dog Male

85 cal

170 cal

255 cal

Boxer Dog Female

68 cal

135 cal

203 cal

Human Male

231 cal

462 cal

693 cal

Human Female

198 cal

396 cal

594 cal

Backyard Agility

Agility exercises are not only good for building aerobic stamina but also good for building muscle.

These types of exercises also are a great way to stimulate a Boxe’s mind.  Boxers have to process information quickly to get through the agility course in as short of time as possible.

For agility exercises, we recommend the following exercise products from Chewy.com

Chuck It! Ultra Rubber Tough Dog Toy for Large dogs

Kong Extreme Ball Toy

Squishy Face Studio Flirt Pole

Agility drills are a great exercise for burning calories.

Agility Exercises

15 min

30 min

45 min

Boxer Dog Male

70 cal

139 cal

208 cal

Boxer Dog Female

55 cal

110 cal

166 cal

Human Male

189 cal

377 cal

566 cal

Human Female

162 cal

323 cal

485 cal

Stair Exercises

Stair exercises are an excellent choice for building stamina and developing the large muscle groups in the legs of Boxer Dogs.

Adding a throw toy adds mental stimulation to these exercises.  Just by the nature of this exercise, boxer owners and their pets.

As an added benefit, this type of exercise can be done anywhere and doesn’t require any setup.

Stair Exercises

15 min

30 min

45 min

Male Boxer Dog

89 cal

153 cal

266 cal

Female Boxer Dog

61 cal

122 cal

203 cal

Human Male

208 cal

415 cal

622 cal

Human Female

177 cal

356 cal

534 cal


While there a countless exercises for Boxer dogs, the 7 Best Common Calorie Burning Exercises are

  • Daily Walk – 3.0 mph/4.83 kph (includes sniffing and observation)
  • Moderate walk – 3.5 mph/5.63 kph 
  • Power Walk – 4.25 mph/6.84 kph
  • Running – 6.0 mph/9.66 kph
  • Fetch/Frisbee Toss
  • Backyard Agility
  • Stair Exercises

The benefit of these boxer dog exercises is that they don’t require a lot of money on equipment and toys.

Besides the inherent benefits of calorie burning and aerobic conditioning for the Boxer dog and owner, they also provide these additional benefits

  • Bonding between the Boxer dog and their owner
  • Mental Stimulation – to alleviate boredom
  • Release of pent-up energy that Boxer dogs exhibit because of their high energy level

It is important in closing to note that a Boxer dog’s age and the weather /climate should be considered when exercising the boxer.  Very hot and very cold weather as well as too much intense exercise with senior Boxers can have detrimental effects.

Start the exercise program so both you and your loyal companion can build up stamina and increase the length of your workouts.  Enjoy your time bonding with your Boxer dog and reaping the benefits exercise provides.

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Mary and Chris with Hazel and Duke

Discoverboxerdogs.com are Mary and Chris Kustanbauter.  We reside in Red Lion, PA with our two Boxers, Duke and Katie, who are both rescue dogs.  We have been working with Adopt A Boxer Rescue for the past 17 years and have adopted 5 Boxers from this fine organization. To learn more visit our Home, Boxerdogsfamily, and Blogs Pages  Visit us on social media on Facebook – All About Boxers, Instagram, and Pinterest.
