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Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – 4 Epic Proven Benefits

Can Boxers use a slow feeder bowl - a photo of our Boxer duke waiting to eat

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Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls

Can Boxers use slow feeders bowls? The answer is Yes absolutely!

In fact, slow-feeder bowls can provide a number of benefits to keep your Boxer healthy and prevent digestive issues that relate to eating too fast.

Boxers are known for being voracious eaters. However, their desire to consume food too quickly can cause devastating health issues such as Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV) or Bloat, Obesity, and Gastrointestinal issues.

This article provides 4 Proven Benefits of Slow Feeder Bowls to help your Boxer dog stay healthy and active.

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – 4 Proven Benefits

  1. Promote Slower Eating
    • Slow Feeder bowls have ridges or obstacles that force your Boxer to slow down when eating.
    • This can help prevent significant health issues from eating too fast
  2. Mental Stimulation
    • Slow Feeder Bowls help engage a Boxer’s mind as they access the obstacles to their food.
    • This can provide a sense of accomplishment and the mental stimulation helps prevent boredom which can lead to destructive behaviors.
  3. Weight Management
    • Slow Feeder Bowls help control portion sizes and prevent overeating, which benefits Boxer dogs prone to weight gain.
  4. Digestive Health
    • Boxer dogs are susceptible to gastric torsion also known as Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV) or Bloat for eating their food too rapidly.
    • Slow Feeder Bowls help reduce the risk of Bloat by preventing excessive air intake when eating and helping to promote better digestion

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – Promote Slower Eating

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls - Photo of traditional raiseed dog food bowl with Kibble


Slow feeder bowls are used because of the purported claims that they help slow down how quickly your Boxer consumes its food.

However, are there any studies that show that slow-feeder bowls actually slow down the eating process?

A study was conducted on slow feeder bowls because a Veterinary Nurses Facebook page was recommending slow feeder bowls to help slow the eating process. So, investigators wanted to design a study to evaluate if the bowls performed as promised.

The study Go Slow Feeding Bowls – How Effective Are They in Getting Dogs to Eat More Slowly, Veterinary Evidence, Buckley, L.A. and Lees, November 2016 evaluated 2 groups of dogs to determine

  1. Time to consume the allotted quantity of food
  2. Rate of Consumption
  3. Any behaviors that they noted when using a slow-feeder bowl versus a regular bowl

The study also evaluated the following two parameters

  1. The first bowl approached
  2. The first bowl that was eaten from

The second group of parameters was evaluated because the Veterinary Nurse Facebook page promoted not only slower eating using a slow feeder bowl but also that it provides a mind-challenging game for the dogs.

The study cited the following in their conclusions:

Slow feeding bowls are effective at reducing eating speed and, while dogs become quicker at eating as they develop experience eating from these devices, the consumption rate is still slower than that observed when eating from a standard dog bowl. Therefore, if slowing down the rate of eating is effective at reducing risk of GDV or confers improved satiety, these bowls may have a role to play in improving the welfare of some dogs.

Source: Go Slow Feeding Bowls – How Effective Are They In Getting A Dog To Eat More Slowly, Veterinary Evidence 2016

The study did not show that dogs actually wanted to have the speed at which they ate slowed down.

Try the following slow-feeder bowls to slow down your Boxer’s rapid eating.

Now that we know that slow-feeder bowls work to slow the rate of eating, let’s discuss the benefits of using a slow-feeder bowl.

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – Types of Slow Feeder Bowls

Now that we have some data, showing that slow feeder bowls do actually lead to a dog eating more slowly. It’s helpful to know how they work if you decide to switch to this type of feeding bowl.

There are many types of slow feeder bowls that can help slow your Boxer’s eating. Let’s look at each type in more detail.

  1. Maze or Puzzle Bowls
    • These types of bowls are designed with intricate maze patterns, compartments, or ridges so that your dog needs to use their nose and/or paws to access their food to slow their eating.
  2. Ridge or Obstacle Bowls
    • These bowls are designed with raised sections, ridges, or obstacles that your dog needs to work around to gain access to their food. This helps to slow their eating
  3. Spiral or Swirl Bowls
    • This type of design feature spirals or swirls that your dog needs to follow to reach the food at the center of the bowl. Starting out the outer edges and working towards the center causes your dog to slow their eating.
  4. Flower or Petal Bowls
    • This design looks similar to a flower or the petals on a flower. The owner places the food between the flowers or petals and the dog eats the food placed in each compartment.
    • This causes the dog to eat smaller portions at a time slowing their eating.
  5. Raised or Slanted Bowls
    • These bowls have a raised or slanted design that helps to distribute the food more evenly helping to prevent your dog from gulping their food and eating too fast.
  6. Labrinyth or Fishbone Bowls
    • As their name indicates these bowls have a labyrinth or fishbone design that your dog must follow to access their food helping to slow done their eating.
  7. Puzzle Ball Bowls
    • Rather than a bowl, these are interactive toys. The owner places the food or treat inside the puzzle ball and the dog must use its nose and paws to manipulate the ball so the food or treat is dispensed.
    • We often will use these for mental stimulation when doing some training with our Boxers.
  8. Snuffle Mats
    • As the name suggests, these are mats and not bowls.
    • Snuffle mats are placed on the floor and contain fleece strips where the owner places or hides the food. The dog needs to use their sense of smell to find and eat the food, thereby slowing their eating.

It’s important to consult your veterinarian to determine what the best type of slow feeder bowl is best for your Boxer.

Can Boxers use slow feeder bowls? To help guide your decision-making process, below is a table summarizing the benefits and drawbacks of the types of slow feeder bowls discussed above.

Table – Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – Types of Bowls – Benefits and Drawbacks
Feeder Bowl TypeBenefitsDrawbacks
Maze-shaped Bowls– Slows down eating pace– Some dogs may become frustrated or lose interest
– Promotes mental stimulation– Requires adjustment period for dogs unfamiliar with it
– Encourages problem-solving skills
Puzzles or Interactive Bowls– Provides mental stimulation and engagement– Certain designs may be challenging for some dogs
– Slows down eating pace– Requires supervision to ensure safe use
– Offers a sense of accomplishment and reward– May not be suitable for dogs with limited mobility
– Can help reduce destructive behaviors
Raised Obstacle Bowls– Slows down eating pace– Some dogs may find it difficult to access food
– Encourages portion control and prevents overeating– Requires larger feeding area due to raised sections
– Aids in reducing the risk of bloating and digestive issues

Maze Type Slow Feeder Bowls – Try

Ridge Type Slow Feeder Bowls – Try

Spiral Type Feeder Bowls – Try

Flower or Petal Bowls – Try

Snuffle Mats – Try

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – Mental Stimulation

Boxer Dog Training - Boxer dog photo
Our Boxer Duke Trying to get treats from the Treat Ball

Can Boxers use slow feeder bowls for mental stimulation? Do slow feeder bowls and other types of Canine Enrichment Feeding (CEF) options help provide mental stimulation for your dog?

A research study ‘Bowls are boring’: Investigating enrichment feeding for pet dogs and the perceived benefits and challenges, VET RECORD, Heys, Lloyd and Westgarth, 22 June 2023 the investigators examine if Canine Enrichments Feeding did provide mental stimulation for dogs.

This study used questionnaires submitted by dog owners 18 years of age and older.

The surveys showed the following results

  • 85.1 % (n=1490) used some type of Canine Enrichment Feeding (CEF)
  • The top three types of CEF used as reported by the owners were
    • Kongs – 83.0% (n=1236)
    • Bones and Chews – 72.9% (n=1086)
    • Activity Toys/Balls – 69.8% (n=1032)
  • Other sources of CEF reported by the owners included
    • Scatter Feeders – 64.3%
    • Lickimats – 63.5%
    • Snuffle Mats – 60.5%
    • Slow Feeders – 54.7%
    • Scent Games – 54.1%
    • Puzzle Feeders – 50.3%
  • Owners reporting using CEF on the following frequency
    • 45.2% (n=673) used more than one time per day
    • 17.2% (n=256) used once per day
    • 27.5% (n=409) used several times per week
  • 64.4% of dog owners use CEF to deliver their Dog’s Meal

Perceived Benefits of Canine Enrichment Feeding (CEF) that owners somewhat or strongly agreed with were

  • Provides Mental Stimulation (8.2% n=1449)
  • Prevents Boredom – 96% (n=1415)
  • Provide owner with enjoyment 89.4% (n=1321)

Owners who agreed with the statement “My dog eats too quickly” were more likely to use

  • Slow Feeders
  • Snuffle Mats
  • Puzzle Feeders

The authors provided the following conclusion

“This novel study suggests that owners perceive enrichment feeding to be useful in managing problem behaviours, increasing satiety, and reducing begging, supporting their recommendation in the absence of other supporting evidence. “

Source for data reported above: ‘Bowls are boring’: Investigating enrichment feeding for pet dogs and the perceived benefits and challenges, VET RECORD, Heys, Lloyd and Westgarth, 22 June 2023

Can Boxers use slow Feeder Bowls – This study supports that slow-feeder bowls can provide your Boxer with Mental stimulation.

Since Boxers are such an energetic dog, they need to be mentally stimulated to help prevent boredom which can lead to destructive behaviors, such as digging and chewing.

For additional information on Mental Stimulation for your Boxer, read our article

9 Best Ways To Mentally Stimulate Your Boxer Dog for a Happy, Obedient Companion

We use and recommend the Starmark Treat Dispensing Chew Ball Tough Dog Toy.

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – Weight Management

Can Boxers use Slow Feeder Bowls - picture of an overweight Boxer for Weight Management discussion

Can Boxers use slow feeder bowls to manage their weight?

Boxers can be at risk for obesity when they are overfed or do not get enough exercise.

In the article Speed Up Your Pet’s Weight Loss With A Slow Feeder, Chewy Editorial, September 2022, Dr Ann Hohenhaus, DVM, staff doctor at NYC’s Animal Medical Center, states that

“Getting your pup to refrain from gobbling up her food with the help of a dog slow feeder is smart, especially given that between 30 percent and 50 percent of dogs in this country are obese. Source: Chewy Editorial.

So, with the percentage of obesity in dogs pushing the upper limit of 50%, it is wise to be able to help your dog manage their weight through both diet & Exercise.

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls to Manage Weight

Can Boxers use slow feeder bowls to manage weight? Yes, Absolutely! Here are 3 ways slow-feeder bowls can help your Boxer maintain their weight and prevent obesity.

  1. Portion Control
    • Slow feeder bowls help your Boxer with portion control by slowing down their eating pace because they have to work around obstacles, ridges, or mazes in the bowl. This forces them to take smaller bites of food while eating.
    • Taking smaller bites and slowing the pace your Boxer is eating enables their brain’s time to sense a feeling of fullness. This feeling of fullness help prevent them from overeating and in turn helps them maintain their weight.
  2. Reduced Gulping and Bloating
    • Boxers are known for eating their food fast which can cause them to gulp air. This can lead to a condition known as Bloat or gastric torsion which can be a serious or fatal condition in Boxer dogs.
    • Slow feeder bowls help reduce the Boxer gulping air because it forces them to slow their pace of eating and take smaller bites. This can help prevent the gulping of air and some of the potential digestive issues that are associated with gulping air.
  3. Enhanced Digestion
    • When a Boxer eats too fast it can cause undue stress on its digestive system. Slow feeder bowls help by slowing down the amount of food consumed in a short period of time which can aid in better digestion of food.
    • Better digestion from slower eating enables a Boxer to break down the nutrients and absorb them more efficiently which can be beneficial in helping them maintain their weight.

Slow feeder bowls can be an effective tool in helping your Boxer maintain a healthy weight by slowing down the time it takes them to consume their food.

For additional information on managing a Boxer dog’s weight read our articles

The two best science-supported weight loss recipes for your dog are

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – Digestive Health

Can Boxers use slow feeder bowls to help with their digestive health?

One of the key benefits of slow feeder bowls for Boxers is that they help to slow the eating process. Why is this important?

When dogs, especially deep-chested dogs like Boxers eat too quickly they can gulp air. Gulping air when eating can lead to a condition known as Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) or Bloat.

Gastric Dilation Volvulus can become serious or even fatal if not treated by a veterinarian.

What is Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV) or Bloat?

In the article Bloat: Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus in Dogs, VCA Animal Hospitals, Krista Williams DVM, and Ernest Ward, DVM make the distinction between gastric dilatation and gastric dilatation-volvulus.

They define gastric dilation by stating ” In its early stage, the stomach fills with gas, causing a simple gastric dilatation or “bloat”. Source: Bloat: Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus in Dogs, VCA Animal Hospitals

They state how gastric dilatation can become serious and or fatal when the dilation becomes a volvulus.

“Sometimes, the condition progresses no further than bloat. A GDV, however, is a progression of the bloat into a volvulus, in which the huge, gas-filled stomach twists upon itself so that both the entrance and exit of the stomach become blocked. This is a life-threatening emergency that requires urgent surgery to correct.” Source: Bloat: Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus in Dogs, VCA Animal Hospitals

It is important to help prevent your Boxer from eating too fast and gulping air which can lead to Bloat and if not treated become serious or possibly fatal.

As referenced in the study Go Slow Bowls – How Effective Are They In Getting Dogs to Eat More Slowly, Vet Evidence – slow feeder bowls can help control the rate your dog is consuming their food and help to prevent gulping of air which can lead to Bloat.

While GDV is the most serious condition that can result from eating too fast, your Boxer may experience other minor digestive issues from eating too fast. These can include, vomiting their food, and nausea.

Can Boxers use slow feeder bowls to help with digestive issues? Absolutely, because they can help reduce how fast your dog eats and help prevent the gulping of air.

We have discussed the benefits of slow-feeder bowls for Boxers, now let’s quickly take a look at the potential drawbacks of using slow-feeder bowls

Can Boxers Use Slow Feeder Bowls – Drawbacks

While slow feeder bowls can provide a number of benefits for your Boxer, there are also potential drawbacks. These include

  1. Frustration
    • Some Boxers may become frustrated or impatient when they have to navigate obstacles to get to their food. This can lead to anxiety and or reluctance to eat, therefore defeating the purpose of a slow-feeder bowl.
  2. Initial Adjustment Period
    •  Boxers accustomed to quick eating may take time to adapt to a slower eating pace. Patience and gradual introduction to slow feeder bowls are necessary to help them get used to the new feeding routine.

Can Boxers use slow feeder bowls because of these potential drawbacks? Yes, you need to take the time to work with your Boxer through these issues.

Can Boxer Dogs Use Slow Feeder Bowls – Summary

So, can Boxers use slow feeder bowls? Yes, Absolutely!

Slow feeder bowls can provide your Boxer with the following benefits

  1. Promote Slower Eating
  2. Mental Stimulation
  3. Weight Managment
  4. Help Prevent Digestive Issues

Their are potential drawbacks which include frustration and an initial adjustment period. However with a little time working with your Boxer, these drawbacks are not insurmountable.

There are many types of slow-feeder bowls commercially available ranging from mazes to snuffle mats and activity balls. It is important to work with your veterinarian to choose the appropriate slow feeder for your Boxer based on their specific needs.

So, if another Boxer owner asks you, Can Boxers use slow feeder bowls, you can tell them with confidence yes they can.

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Mary and Chris with Hazel and Duke

Discoverboxerdogs.com are Mary and Chris Kustanbauter.  We reside in Red Lion, PA with our two Boxers, Duke and Katie, who are both rescue dogs.  We have been working with Adopt A Boxer Rescue for the past 17 years and have adopted 5 Boxers from this fine organization. To learn more visit our Home, Boxer Dog Family, and Blogs Pages  Visit us on social media on Facebook – Discoverboxerdogs.com, Instagram, and Pinterest.